Professional Services

Speech and Language Therapy in Burnaby and Coquitlam

KidStart Pediatric Therapy provides exceptional speech therapy for kids in Burnaby, Coquitlam, and Vancouver. Our speech therapists help children develop effective communication skills through tailored, fun-filled sessions.

We Help Your Child Communicate Better

Communication is a basic skill that shapes how children interact with the world. If you’ve noticed your child having trouble with speech, language or communication then you’re looking for the best help to support them. Speech and language therapy can be the answer to help your child unlock their full potential and give them the tools to communicate with confidence.

Does your Child Hit the Milestones?

Age and Developmental Milestones

Infants: cooing, babbling, and making vowel sounds by 6 months.

Toddlers: saying first words by 12 months, combining two words by 24 months.

Preschoolers: using simple sentences by 3 years, identifying basic shapes and colors by 4 years.

School-age children: using complex sentences by 5 years, reading and writing by 6 years.

Children develop at different rates, and some variation in communication skills is normal. However, if a child is not meeting age-appropriate milestones, we advise seeking an evaluation from a neurodevelopmental pediatrician.

If your child has limited vocabulary and difficulty communicating and expressing ideas or with language delays or fluency disorder, we recommend seeking help from our qualified speech and language pathologist.

Identifying Speech and Language Disorders in Children

Signs and Symptoms

  • Difficulty articulating sounds or words – Articulation disorders are often seen in children with other developmental issues, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), specific language impairment, auditory processing disorder, language delay, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Kids with articulation disorders may be challenging to understand.

    They may exhibit different types of articulation errors, such as;

    • Adding sounds or syllables to words that don’t belong

    • Changing a sound that might seem like a lisp

    • Omitting or leaving certain sounds out of their speech altogether and

    • Substituting one sound for another. This can be due to difficulties with the muscles used for speech or problems with the coordination of these muscles.

  • Struggling to understand or follow directionsChildren who have receptive disorders struggle to understand what others are saying. This leads to difficulty in following simple instructions or grasping age-appropriate vocabulary. This can also be a sign of hearing impairment or a neurological condition affecting language processing.

  • Phonological Process Disorder: This involves patterns of sound errors. For example, a child might consistently replace all sounds made in the back of the mouth (like “k” and “g”) with sounds made in the front (like “t” and “d”).

  • Difficulty with reading or writing – As children progress through school, difficulties with reading, writing, or understanding complex language can be signs of an underlying communication disorder. These challenges can impact academic performance and social interactions.

  • Stuttering or stammeringDevelopmental stuttering, which typically begins between ages 2 and 5, is characterized by repetitions of sounds, syllables, or words, or prolongations of sounds. While some stuttering is common in young children, persistent or severe stuttering may need intervention.

  • Fluency Disorders: A child with fluence disorder exhibits stuttering that disrupts the speed, rhythm as well as flow and rate of speech production.

  • Voice disordersChildren may experience voice disorders, such as a hoarse, breathy, or nasal voice, which can be caused by vocal cord abnormalities or misuse of the voice.

  • Cognitive Communication Disorders: Difficulties in memory, attention, and problem-solving that affect communication.

  • Feeding and Swallowing Disorders: Challenges related to eating, drinking, and swallowing safely.

These cognitive communication disorders can be overwhelming. Reaching out for help is a proactive step in supporting your child’s progress and language development.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. A speech and language pathologist has the expertise to offer customized support tailored to your child’s specific needs.

SLPs also use engaging and interactive techniques to enhance communication skills.

What is Speech-Language Pathology

Speech-language pathology is a healthcare and academic discipline that concerns the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of communication problems.

Speech-language pathologists, or SLPs, provide assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and counseling for individuals with communication disorders.

Speech therapists collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as audiologists, physicians, and occupational therapists, to provide comprehensive care for individuals with communication disorders.

The Role of a Speech-Language Pathologist

  • Assessing and diagnosing communication disorders

  • Developing and implementing treatment plans

  • Providing speech and language therapy services

  • Collaborating with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care

  • Educating parents and caregivers on how to support their child’s communication development

Speech Therapy Services in Burnaby and Coquitlam

Our speech therapy services in Burnaby and Coquitlam are designed to help your child communicate more effectively and confidently. We help them address speech disorders such as slow or slurred speech and language difficulties. The ultimate goal of our speech therapy and intervention services is to help them communicate effectively, whether through spoken language, gestures, language intervention activities, or alternative communication methods.

The Components of our Speech and Language Services

Our Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) work closely with your child to develop their communication abilities and communication skills. Therapy typically includes several key components:

  • Articulation Therapy: We focus on helping children pronounce sounds correctly, improving speech clarity and accuracy.

  • Language Intervention: We help toddlers build vocabulary, improve sentence structure, and understand language better, fostering stronger comprehension skills.

  • Fluency Therapy: We support children who stutter, helping them speak more fluently and confidently.

  • Social Communication Therapy: We teach them how to use communication appropriately in social settings so they improve their ability to interact with peers and adults.

Early Intervention

Early intervention is key in treating speech and language disorders. When communication difficulties are identified and addressed early, children are more likely to see better outcomes in their overall development. By starting speech therapy as early as possible, family members can expect:

  • Improved academic performance: With stronger language skills, children are better able to follow instructions, participate in lessons, and perform well academically.

  • Better social skills: Early speech therapy helps children interact more easily with their peers, making it easier to build friendships and engage in group activities.

  • Increased confidence: As children gain the ability to express themselves clearly, their self-esteem grows, leading to more positive social experiences and personal growth.

Why Choose Us for Speech and Language Therapy in Burnaby and Coquitlam?

Choosing the right speech and language therapist is an important decision for your child’s future. At Kids Start Pediatric Therapy, we are committed to offering high-quality, individualized care that meets your child’s specific needs.

Our speech therapy for kids emphasizes collaboration with families to create tailored therapy plans that address all aspects of a child’s development.

Early intervention in speech and language therapy is important for children who show signs of communication difficulties. Addressing these issues early can mean:

  1. Better Academic Performance: By improving language comprehension and expression children can understand instructions, participate in class discussions and perform better academically.
  2. Better Social Skills: Developing communication skills means children can interact more easily with peers, make friends and participate in social activities.
  3. More Confidence: As children become more able to express themselves, their self esteem and confidence grow and they have more positive interactions and experiences

Start the Speech and Language Therapy of Your Child Today

If you’re concerned about your child’s communication skills, don’t wait to seek help.

Book a consultation with one of our speech language therapists. During this initial appointment, we’ll assess your child, discuss your concerns, and develop a personalized therapy plan for your child to succeed.

Speech therapy for kids and early intervention is critical for treating speech disorders and language difficulties.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced speech-language therapists. During the initial appointment, we’ll assess your child’s needs, discuss your concerns, and create a personalized therapy plan designed for their success.

Kidstart Pediatric Therapy - A Safe and Kid-friendly Space To Grow Communication

At Kids Start Pediatric Therapy, we offer a nurturing and supportive environment where your child can feel comfortable and confident while working on their communication skills. Our goal is to provide your child with the tools they need to succeed in all areas of life.

Ready to Get Started? Talk to our Speech Language Pathologists Today

Now is the perfect time to begin addressing your child’s speech and language needs. Contact us today to discover more about our speech therapy services in Burnaby and Coquitlam. Taking this first step will help your child communicate more effectively.

Book your consultation today to give your child the opportunity to thrive!